i saw that fake thing on youtube a long time ago and made it look like i have reconz (i wish) <<<
I really like how you went away from the direction of a circle or square and i can tell you planned this out quite a bit before you forged it....
Woah this is your first post. This is a nice first post, but you should definately check out forge 101 if you haven't already. It tells you how to...
im ok at mlg i just went to a tourny to watch a team im friends with and they won 3rd and almost 2nd. 1st place went to dallas, and tecnically...
Str8 Neighbor was good but snipedown is so SIK
anti gravity lift. uses the same tecnology as the grav lift but sucks you to the ground. can also be thrown while someone is jumping over a pit...
Looks really awesome and obviously you worked your butt off on this map. The level of cleanness, creativity (beacon), and probably gameplay is...
first post Cool map. Very solid for your first fh post. You might want to check out forge 101 for cool tips on stuff like geomerging and...
awesome first map. i see interlocking and lots of floating objects you should also check out geomerging in the forge 101 section. On with the map...
i can't really understand it so ill have a forgethrough. turrets and sheild doors do not work well together if i were you i would have the turret...
ok i forged through it and it still seems that it would be kinda weird crouching but i wonder how this will affect gameplay the next time i get a...
im not sure about all the camping spots. i don't really like sheild doors either, but you seemed to think of everything. i like how you made...
dont worry i dled the map and am gonna forge through it. no hard feelings *<l:o) (its a clown)
i can see you put a lot of time into this and it turned out great but you might want to put some more small structures on the ground and those...
woah calm down. i was just giving my opinion and to tell you the truth a lot of people review a map before they play it. i saw the video and i...
blood fire you rock. this map is awesome and so unique. i have seen forge enlightenment. your maps are so aesthetically pleasing yet they play...
vertebraille it was as if a bungie member had really made it.
another awesome map by blood fire. the video was very helpful and always is although for this map in particular i have seen by one of my fh...
seems well forged but a little bit too crouchy for me. if someone camped in those tunnels with mauler and did i see a sword, then they would be...
i love the sniperr hole thing thats kinda cool. at first when i saw the ghost i thought it would be overpowering, but then i realized it doesn't...