first post I can be the hardcore host i guess. im not sure if i meet the requirements but whatever. If both the partys don't go on at the same...
is your tgif party 7-11 cst or what time zone is it
I don't really pay attention to that kinda stuff and yes xplay is awesome. I recorded part of pax cause they said bungie was gonna be in it so i...
Wow i didn't even know there was gonna be a new map pack. i hope the forging items are better than cold storage. Im gonna have to start wathing...
wow that wall quarter pipe really looks like a bent wall. Ill dl prolly just to screw around on it. :) keep on forgin
Im gonna try this but im no forge god. I might be able to get this idea to work just maybe...
I don't believe halo should be m for violence, its not even proven that violent video games cause kids to be violent (how many gta4 players have...
I completely agree when i first saw this i thought it was cool but just because you click and drag a forest doesn't mean you made every tree. I...
When i first posted i talked about how the gameplay looked crouchy but after playing multiple games i can say that i was truely wrong. This map...
This is a very good idea although it stinks that it will only work for slayer.
Great map but im not sure you really tried your hardest in this map. you should try using some forge 101 tecniques like interlocking and...
wow awesome map. im trying to forge some mlg maps but struggling a bit. oh well on with the map. it is very smooth i could not tell any parts...
Very original i have seen maps on a slope but this takes it to a new level. as for the standoff pitt thing i would say this seems more like...
This guide is so helpful +rep devinish. (no wonder none of my spawns worked i never used respawn areas.
feature Feature FEATURE. jk this map is really awesome. I've known about the movable object thing for a while but it is so rarely used. And...
What if we want to post an mlg and normal version of a map. I don't want a double post i just think my map would work well mlg and not mlg.
I support lower the guns but not in matchmaking. Man i can just imagine some little kid running around the pitt, "Oh don't shoot i just want some...
This is a very well thought out map. While it is rather simple everything has a purpose and i like that. I don't particularly like the slower...
So i got a party going on this map earlier today and the gameplay was sick. I am so surprised how well this map flows mlgishly for having such a...
hahahaha this looks funny. you should make a youtube vid out of this. no dl im out of space. sorry.