Great house/mansion/manor/rofl man! Mine sucks because it's a bit sloppy, but I'm not that good at very big builds :P Nevertheless, I'd download...
This one's self explanatory. It's the Rat's Nest version of Jenga! This one was made last summer, but has been going through updates. Why? Because...
This is where Mini Game maps are posted, like say, Jenga, Hobo Heights, or that stupid "Halo" game that's circling around the online world :(
I like the electricity-purple-stuff in the background! It gives this screenshot an aura, but not that EXTREMELY bright flashy aura. Good job, man!
Hey, my Valhalla map is named Olympus... But it's not about the mountain the gods lived on in Greek mythology, it's because in Metroid Prime 3,...
Best. Monster. Truck. Map. Ever. I really like the time-lapse idea, I hardly ever use it, I only use destroy-this spawn-that designs, which of...
HC Deathroll43 And your helmet! Get him man, GET HIM!
Pretty nice artwork ya' got there! Sorry about that... Well his torso looks a bit... squared... but other than that this is better than I could...
I'm with him. If it's a Slayer map, BAD IDEA. Whereas if it is an Infection map, it's OK. I love the Drop Pod man, that's pretty cool :)
WHOA! Pretty cool idea. Reminds me of Spider-Man 2 (the game) which I thought was awesome!
Pretty cool job man! It's OK that the Walls are crooked, because Bungie announced that it's a glitch in the game.
WAIIIIIT. Didn't I do something like this already? (SIGNATURE) ...Oh well, this was posted first. (Mine was made first in December 2008, but hey,...
Well, the Custom Powerup grants the Zombie Invisibility, but takes away their invincibility. This way the humans still have a chance. As I said,...
Pretty sweet :) I also like your obscure pictures. That makes the post a bit more "original" than others. ... I will now drink Root Beer...
Pretty cool! Some of it looks like the Subway level from Resistance 2, but that only makes it better! Oh, and by the way, you have the same 3rd...
I didn't feel it was necessary, but that can be changed easily. In fact, I will do it. Hang on... There. The gametype is updated and uploaded.
Great job man! Reminds me of Omega Journey, but not as crap. I'm downloading to check it out!
I LOOOOVE ZELDA, so great job on this man! Maybe a bit of decoration to make it look a bit more rendered, but other than that I'M DOWNLOADING!
The other one was much more detailed. Still, this map is cool. Not enough room for the humans, though.
Yeah. Sorry about that. Still, it's a way to show off to the rest of the party by dodging fireball after fireball. And most people, as you can see...