Okay i seriously cant find the rep button. Ive only seen it on the maps section do you have to comment my map or something?
Thanks for the positive rep il be sure to give you some if i can find the button
Il post up a V2 for you guys and add in all your suggestions thanks for the suggestions too :) For some reason my replies count as double posts...
This map is great most definately a 5/5 I love how you had the bases too and the signs were at the perfect angles. Check out my maps Fade Out...
Download [IMG] Fade Out Observatory NY holds the secret to Youth but now .. Two teams must battle to the death over who recieves the mysterious...
This map looks great im gonna DL and check it out I love MLG and this looks better than Amp and Onslaught combined.. I cant wait to play on this...
I think the map looks Great im gonna DL and check it out i donteven need to play it to rate a 5/5 no above that 6/5 for sure.
Thanks for the rating atleast the only problem is the space i can fix that in a seconds worth of time :)
MLG Royalty is a map with great standards such as each team starts off at their own thrown and they are battling it out to see which king is the...
My map Warsaw is used only for FFA variants such as , slayer, oddball , and King of the hill. But not infection!! This is a competitive map that...