cool cool i love speedball but speed ball doesnt include structures in paintball its only grounded objects also in speedball they dont use...
lol blood i laughed when i saw this on the front page cause now you got premiumz!!!! this map is sick and some great merging was involved there...
like everyone elses opinion this is a good quality mlg map with some new features included that im not sure work well with mlg ill check it out i...
i like it your interlocking looks so clean and perty also love the double walls in the corners of your walls. ill dl
well... this is a very simple map and you should probly put more variety i mean more options to go with also the middle is plain and boring you...
nice nice nice i loved the other tunnel rats so this should be a beauty but is there still a pallet ground in this one? cause that was the best...
cold storage is crap to forge on but atleast you tried =( i dont really like the map tho there is alot of floating walls you should fix that and...
haha this is one of my favorite maps the bridges are amazing and great cover they looks so intense when my friend blood fire first showed me this...
this map has top notch asthetics but im not sure about gameplay only one wany 2 find out! ill check out this map. i love how you mad the wire...
i like but the bases dont have no cover at all also i agree the camo and oversheild can make it unbalanced and unfair.
mmm not a download for me beacause theres just a few simple structures the interlocking is top notch but it doesnt have the wow factor i look for...
umm this map looks good but the middle has too much cover it would play better with normal team slayer also the single box with the window panels...
this is decent but there are too many vehicles and it would kinda suck it looks hard for the vehicles to manuver aswell.
sweet a map that is worth a post on. i like this map by the looks of it and that double box wraparound thing is really cool and is original im...
lol i guess this is the best it gets with asension remakes lol oooh well but this is cool but its missing the back base and the crane but its the...
Shoty gun beats Grav ham but i like the map but too many power weaps
looks cool i like the bridge like arch thing the best
wy isnt this map featured yet its a real good map odd isnt it.
the bridge top is so good and looks perfectly interlocked
it seems this court could be put in better use if the grifball tem was small like a 3v3 game of 2v2.