i play on this map when ever i am bored its great to play on and i have done some sick moves on this but the a wbowl is sorta weird. cause you...
WALL E i love it it looks so cool just wonderling can u go inside? im gonna DL just to look at it hehe
lol sounds good we`ll hang 2morrow
i like the middle structure its sorta simple but could be a fun map but i will not dl because people can escape from it making the game not fun =(
this map does look sorta cool but i got to dl to see ill send more feedback later its loooks good from the pics
ok...im free right now but cant stay on long wanna go on?
lol its not even your screenshot its bungies lol srry this isnt very creative atleast you got a piuc in there.
that looks pretty cool but mess i love the movie and thats why i am dling you should clean it up a bit and shorten the arms.
swweet it looks cool
cool looks sick
dude the maps good and i notice your forging skills. your not going un-noticed by people your one of the good forgers on this site. ignore the...
this would be fun but what happens if someone doesnt follow the rules and shoots people or people camp in the sheild door start off points or if...
great map im impressed cause i dont see u around much this is a good map and you have my dl
no but i am dling chillz yo
can i see the our team logo havent seen yet and the pic doesnt work in the sign up forum.
lol i like the idea of the time limit on the mongoose thats a cool idea its sorta like a gate closing or somthing also the fusion coils siting on...
i love this map its the first professional map i saw and i thought it was modded it blew me away the bridges are amazing and are so hard to do its...
Yo dude why is my sig have like a black boarder around it when i posted it as my new sig i used a IMG code. is there someother way to pos it? if i...