cool nice map and post you might want to put a better description of the map like how you made and what makes this map so fun to play on. some...
yup so much better than vents vents was really messy but i figured everything out on it... yay i like that man cannon chute that you have its...
you shouls spice it up with like a brute shot put you only have like 6 shots or somthing
lol it looks impossible to ride theres like no cover at all but ill try it out ill probly FAIL!!! my driving skillz suc
HI!!! welcome to fh
it looks like alot of fun but do you sit on the sides and the stuff in the middle just blows up once and a while?? its a cool idea maybe too many...
hey did you check out the map yet?
Hey Man The l TEMPLATE CONTEST l is going well alot more people are joining in on it now anyone who reads this go check it out its oretty sick...
hey man i sent the map back tell me if you like. what i did on it.
yea it looks sweet and is cool to look at and admire recon and its ownage i will not dl because it reminds me of what i can never have i hate...
i love the game type and i hope you revolved the map around it this is a cool idea how you run away from the juggernaut but cant you just hide in...
TNT polo.... anyways this looks like a completely different minigame and is the next big thing since zombies in halo 2 in halo 4 SPY will be a...
like everyone elses opinion i beleive it does have to many powerweapons but it is good that you have to crouch for the rockets cause then ur...
send me the map anyways i wanna look at it.
i love the circular feel of this map when i dled a few hours ago its cool the only thing i saw was that people can run anywhere in the map and it...
to can you send the map over to me so i can work on it once you get this message if you see any work you dont like that i did while you slept...
this is a neat map it has next to no cover so it would be good with shotguns or some type of short range weapons possibly snipers? i dunno good...
this is a well made map and looks like it look a while to make i dont see any major flaws other than those wall corners i think thats ltoo much...
iv played alot of dodgeball games but this one looks cool and you spiffed up the map a bit maybe you can put some fire nades in or somthin to make...
i like the way you helt up the teleporters and made the flame at the same time its a pretty original map but what is with the forklift? just...