reply it is just there for looks and so people dont get bored of looking at my map so it doesnt look like a normal wall = boring
reply the map is really great to play ,i was going more for gameplay the asthetics were put in there to please people who like to make it look nice
reply thank you i will be working on v2 because i didnt use the money glitch on the map the v2 will be money glitched for more space and action
Chrono Description:This map is a fast pace symetrical map built for 2v2 or 1v1 the map works best with TEAM ODDBALL,TEAM KOTH,AND TEAM SLAYER if...
i am still working on the spawns so until i fix that i will not post it
reply the map does look good but it is extremly easy to break the map i have done it in so fast
reply yeah i agree with everyone else everthing looks perfect the ramps,pipes elevater are all amazingly forged to perfection hope to see another...
reply this map is really well made in my opinion it is very fun to play and if the map had more than one plasma grenade it would be hecktick with...
wow wow wow let me check it out tommorow to make sure everything is in tip top shape on the map before u post it alright
reply thank u for all the contructive critisism if i could have i would have placed more structure out for cover but i ran into the limit the map...
reply i remember seing this map when u where making it i wish i was there for the testing overall this is a amazing map like every one already...
reply fun and creative i really like this map alot i will play this alot it is exremly neet and smooth
reply hey man i tested the map in one v one and it is really amazing
reply just 2 let u know i didnt steal any thing from anyone and i am sorry i didnt really play any other map besides pavilon i only played once...
reply sorry i just fixed it the dl is at the top know
Pavilon [IMG] Description:This map is a remake of Pavilon off of Gears Of War 2 sorry if it is not perfectly like gears of war but it is a...
reply the map did had some good gameplay and seemed really smooth but u already know what needs 2 be changed becuase i tested it with u
reply if i am not on when u are i will just send u a film of me doing so ok
reply actually it only escapable if the person u are playing with isnt paying attention at all or u kill someone a do it swiftly
reply yes by breaking i mean get out of it