hey man how are u doing,and i am hoping to god i can play next week thursday
oh ya i forgot to tell you i used ur pic from your file share in the signiture i made u
i know but i kind of like it because u can barely see the eyes and i guess since ur hlg they should see u because u is that good
Here u go i got bored so i made u a quik signiture [IMG]
I got bored so i made u a signature [IMG]
i am your first freind yaaa
i might of missed it but how many player do you recommened and did u run into the item limit also how many times have u tested it please give me...
can you give a weapon list please
when u going to me done with m&m's i want it
um next time preview your post and i bet it could have some potental but the middle structure isnt that original maybe u can make something more...
reply well hopefully building the remake in the crypt will solve somethings and ctf or what ever fits the map best
well thank you for the comments about my map and i will try to fix some of the bumps when i completly remake the map on the bottom or the main...
this looks really nice and thought out i will go check it out and edit post later if i get the chance
reply i will see if i can make any ajustments do to my problem i have on it
lasting chrono is up in the competitive maps
reply i wanted to do so much more but snadbox cant handle it it wouldnt let me spawn anything else
reply i really wanted to but i ran into the limit of items i was really mad like i cant even spawn spawns anymore so i will half to improvise on...
Lasting Chrono Description:This map is a 2v2-3v3 map it is symetrical but asymetrical at the same time but it doesnt really matter it was...
reply i just checked it out i broke it in about 2-3 sec it was easy but over all there are some bumps but it does look nice
reply this map is good but i just played on it and i keeped on getting spawn camped to the extreme in the same spot over and over again to be...