Your post isn't up to standards. Here is a guide to posting pics.
Use this guide for help with pictures because they are not up to standards.
Negative "Flashies" or Z-Fighting can be found all over the map. As I have said earlier you need to fix this. It is very unpleasant to look at....
The spawning is screwed up. There are no respawn points for red and blue teams. There are also no initial spawns or respawn points for the neutral...
My friend went through Oblivion as a Khajiit. All he did was increase his acrobatics, athletics, and the speed attribute. He couldn't do any...
I saw Z-fighting between the coliseum walls on the second level. You need to fix in order to obtain more downloads.
Your download link takes you to a picture. You should fix that.
I knew you were kidding. Just wanted to let you know the facts. It is funny that before I had my avatar picture no one would comment about my...
"In times before recorded history, Jyggalag had grown in power, and the other Daedric Princes had grown fearful and jealous of him. They cursed...
Prisonners is close to Prisoner just the same as Lockout is close to Blackout. Do you get what I mean? You don't want your map name even close to...
There is a famous Halo CE map called Prisoner so you might want to change the name of your map to something else. You don't want people to click...
Next time when posting you should post not post all of your maps together. If a person were to skip this one thread, they would miss 5 maps. Also,...
Negative The only two things that I might change would be the braces on the outside and the cover on the XL platform outside. The braces on the...
If you could post more pictures of the map, that would be very helpful. I can't get the feeling of the map with these pics. They don't show enough...
Does this map have frame rate issues. I would have to expect that it does because it is really open and it has lights. If you want to get rid of...
That grass and rock part doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of your map. The rest of your map has a metallic feel, and that has more of a nature...
Looks extremely nice for a first map. Negative Seems to be lacking in color. If you have any budget left, I would consider fixing that....
Here is how to post screenshots if you need it in the future. Here is a map posting template for future reference. You can find both of these if...
Your post is not up to standards. Here are the forum rules and here is a picture posting guide.
I'm glad that you are back to forging. Negative I don't like the large amount of buildings that you have on your map. It takes no skill to throw...