Next time that you are taking pictures, remember that you can go into free roam. To go into free roam just push Y. This way you wouldn't have the...
The machines are amazing. This map feels like a real arcade not just a halo reach forge map. Great job keep up the good forging.
Elysium has my vote.
Your post is not up to standards. You need at least one screenshot or video to get this up to standards. Here is a guide to posting screenshots.
Here is a guide to posting screenshots.
This thread is not up to standards. Here is a guide to posting screenshots.
I see that you are joining the Testers Guild. I was planning on joining them too. It is funny how things work out.
Instead of making a new thread, you can just edit your previous one with the edit button in the bottom right corner.
Your post is not up to standards. You need at least one screenshot or video. Here is a guide to posting screenshots.
I remember playing on this map a few days ago. From what I remember this map was great. The height variations made this map play great. You made...
Your post isn't up to standards. Here is a guide to posting pics.
Here is a guide to posting pics.
To make a thumbnail image you just need to upload a picture to an image hosting site. Then copy the url of the image and paste it where it says...
I loved playing on this map. It is a really accurate remake and it is enjoyable to play on. The betrayal infection and one flag was the best time...
I like your picnic table in the first one and how much of the grass area you used. In the second map I love your curved blocks. They look really...
Not trying to be mean or anything, but your post has quite a few spelling errors. This detracts from the post and makes it seem like you don't...