Morning. "Uh oh, looks like someone's got a case of the mondays!" /officespace. It appears I have been sigged.
I'm lucky enough to have enough health problems to all my getting high on perscription drugs.
Who is Megan Fox?
Thread posted.
lol, where at? Where shall we recruit? lol.
lol, post in that thread I made in the OT, if ya wouldn't mind.
Hah, basically I'm using 9 year old, defunct advertising tactics to try pull people away from Nu Metal.
Basically, get everyone to look at that website and then eventually download Machina II or FAEOMM. Hah.
Ew, no. This is all about The Machines of God (Smashing Pumpkins circa 2000)
Nah, the Ghost Children aren't really ghosts, they are just followers of the Radio.
Lets recruit forgehub into Ghost Children.
Indeed. The Radio can spread far and wide, beyond the evil Paracell.
Hah, I'm just kidding bro.
Aw. Frag Man is jealous. Isn't that cute. Hells Requim is an ace sig maker.
Indeed, so they call it crap because they believe they are more "l33t" for not getting more kills but using "pro" weapons. I'd love to see how the...
AR is one of the best close range weapons in the game, and all the "pro" players treat it like garbage because they can't use it right.
Let's talk Wayne Gretzky. He maxed out, did he not? Why? His age. His skill capped with his age.
The AR is a great weapon, and when used properly can net you tons of kills. AR + Beatdown anyone?
Hah, awesome.
Brett Favre or Aaron Rodgers? Sorry for the OTness. I live by no Packers fans. How is China?