Screenshot Extravaganza Requirements: Must be on Sandbox Must be Staged(not from matchmaking) Must Include Link to the picture You can Submit up...
Are you gonna do another one of these contests? These are fun!
woooooo I won. hehe. Yeah its the thought that counts guys. These contests are for you guys to stack yourselves up against other screenshot takers
They all blow except Endurance. that one=funny
Ruuuuun go go go holy sh**! Titled: Guardians RUUUUUUN! [IMG] by me XxK1LLR0YxX...
yeah I prefer Sandbox to assembly or Orbital.
If you wanna stay in forge and beat the grid problem do what I do and go in a corner and throw down some double blocks
Thanks, I am going to make more in the future (always) love makin screenshots
Reclaimer [IMG] Plasma Ghost [IMG] True Colors [IMG] Mark V Outline [IMG] Captain America [IMG] Purple Afro Samurai [IMG] Empowered [IMG] Sorties...
Here they are from my old thread but now all on one new page (updated weekly) there are also some new ones in here! Kung Foo [IMG] [IMG] Chrome...
Win, funny and cool. Could have a better caption though, this is the first screenshot that would actually work with the title "Reflection"
I like em all personally, Yeah the sniper is over used but it still doesnt ruin the first one, and the second is cool because he is just standing...
Not Bad, I would never have the patience to make something like that.
Some Architectural/Nature Style Ones I just took. [IMG] [IMG]
Please tell us how you made the photo. It is soo awesome
Meh, it gets a 3/5 because I am not particularly fond of this effect. But thats only my opinion
these are pretty good, I'll have to take some
David and Goliath Looks really cool, i like how it is kinda darkish with the blue from the ghost standing out
Wow, looks amazing
Pretty Cool Screen i like the background