Yeah but have you seen their budget?
Its actually collectibles...and behind the scenes that got me
You beat me to it^ :( (epic avatar) How did you do the hair so well? you were just drawing on blank and it turned out into a full set a hair.
I dont think their that limited because of the statues. I wouldnt be suprised if their some type of fake knowing bungies history of "legendary"
Wow^ Im surprised by how good these maps actually look in sketchup.
Thats what i assumed everyone was talking about^
Are you sure there not going to sell out? ^
Regarding the video poster... Thats with the assistance of man cannons. im talking straight up speed and physics, which i dont think is possible...
^at first i couldnt find it.... MOTHER ****ER! His avatar is a face thats all red crying..
I know a few people who are experiencing a problem when trying to import the models. It says something along the lines of.... 'An attempt was made...
I tend to disagree. I made some really fun gametypes with flame grenades and the flamethrower.
Wow^ Thats an amazing idea. But from what they showed when selecting forge world i dont think its possible.
Yea. Its really something he never prepared for disappointment :/
Thats actually a good question^ He never really answered that or went very far into detail. Edit:but he did say that moveable objects such as...
Darn i guess were going to see alot of people with limited elite armor then eh.
That was damn impressive.
thats really wierd. Its like he snaps his fingers and he shot a beam of light out of his eye and now hes blind and he fell to the floor in amazement.
True^ I agree with that. Ever since Xbl big maps are alot more common. Yes. But they still have small maps. Lockout? foundry? heritic? Those are...
To be honest i just want some floating/moveable objects for traps and such
Yes^ Their not going to ***** out on us like that. Cause forky is only available on other maps.