That was interesting...^ Oh yeah...2 more days till the next weekly amirite?
Does anyone know if sketchup uses alot of memory and video ram?
Oh thats interesting...
I never really play with over 8 players in custom :/ What does split-screen have to do with this?
Nah. They said you can make moveable objects fixed with the fixed (dur) so that will deffiantly apply for weapons.
i thought they cant add armor through dlc?... recon..Hm
Thats an amazing point... But i think we can do this.
Yea theres no way their not bringing those back.
Budget glitching gave us alot of great maps. And not all of them lagged. Of course some people over killed it but thats all part of the game
That was all of them on the armor list. Look it up in the video thread...
i get sucked into **** easily. and this time i got the cash.
I rarely lol at a screenshot. They just dont do it..they can be "cool" cause of what to achieved but rarely do i ever make a vocal movement that...
I just dont like what you did with the banshee as i stated. The sunset is pretty great...but the banshee. it seems so shitty, like a guest just...
Nope. The ign armory trailer showed all the elite armor. and previewed the spartan armor system
Gratz on the premiere?
I prefer it that way^ now we dunt have shet
Welcome to forge hub! I'd like to see your maps if you can add me or send me a message so we can play. Edit: im actually online right now if your...
Clever^ You should make a thread when the game comes out explaining how (for teh idiotz) and then you will get credit?