You cannot edit the weather. And night and day are achieved through FX filters
Thats some serious dedication man.. Good job!
Alright fine.. Cod discussion over. You need to add me wooden
I take it you guys used tons of comic-con/vidoc/pictures to make this as accurate as possible correct?
I Almost guarantee bungie wont **** block us like that
Wow those are really nice..Space ship seemed a bit pointless. I might incorporate some of these into my maps if you dont mind.
Hmm Im kind of confused at what your getting at^ Like a safe zone that you jump on and dodge death objects until its really hard? Like jenga tower...
Well Cod fans are retarded middle schoolers who have no brains and dont know how to pick a game. I cant wait to find out getting a kill streak...
^ dont mind if you toss me a map or two after their done?
I agree with most peoples above post. Way too much exposure. I dont really know any suggestions cause i never made competitive maps. Try making...
Think of it like the orginal maps to the new maps. The originals were just not meant for forging at all..(similar to paronoia's post.) You can...
I can see this being incorporated into puzzle maps hardcore. But i think the lack of moving items will make them so boring..its going to be all...
I suppose.. This ought to be an interesting challenge map makers are going to have.
Yeah like most people here already said...Zealot has a low-g box type deal thats above the regular map so to speak. If your looking for low-g just...
I thought it was an april fools type deal...?
Hmmm. Do you happen to have a picture or something? (god this sounds wrong)
How is that bad? I thought that was pretty sexy, besides the fact ODST Sucks ****. I suggest some editing and music combination to make it...
OK im sick of these fail parodys of Call of duty mw2. Its sad....Yes it sucks **** we all know. Wooden leaf...yes..yes it will.
I thought 16 players was still the player limit...O.O
Was urk there? cause im a little curious to see who has been leaking all of our juicy clues of map making