Downloaded..looks very interesting although im unsure of why a mongoose plays such a role.. I will get that 10 minute clip. im expecting a virtual win
Thank you so much^ im saving that into the porn folder.
That clarifies xD so you were half right? Meh im not going to judge..nice find?
But....before there was no bloom so you could just spam. Even then, Bloom sucks.
To be honest i dont really like it because the birds pose made me go O.O Cause hes floating..
You might want it to stick the reach
Scout helmet Security shoulders (bulky ones) Katana...or just hayabusa (spell check?)
Wow /facepalm I didnt even know they added reticule bloom....this is not halo.
Its only a month away?! OP: dont waste your time, its going to be a simple option in a month...YAY
Yeah me and another member were discussing if they had an organization system or "foldering" where you can put things into folders for easy access
Yeah i agree'd before..But now I'm starting to think its a bit ridiculous on the amount of perfection needed.
1) i dont think there is enough mines..but interesting enough. 2) i would really like that...1 life? and who ever gets the most points wins. I...
Thats not spam^ To be honest..the forge menu pictures didnt reveal much to me at all. EDIT: but the FX did a whole lot
Your wrong :/ An object cant be set to move around freely. but they did confirm "Fixable" fusion coils
Got the friend request.. i would love to help in anyway that was really awesome xD
Well make sure you have the newest version.. My friend also had that error. and he had a file was past its end type deal.
I like the map (just played it) But it seems a bit bland...But i cant count you down on that, budgets a big issue and the map at hand was still fun.
That was rushed? your obviously going through with this. Add me if you ever need a tester or just need some Critic...
You have version 7.1?
That was amazing dude^ Did you draw all that?