The problem is that the walkway covers are $50 each and there are 10 of them using $500 + another $100 for the two antennae. I don't mind losing...
I have a problem, I've made a nice looking map that is ready for release, looks great and has been tested through the nose. No problem so far I...
Fair enough, thanks anyway
Seems like you were beaten to it. You agreed to test my map the other day and I was wondering if you have anything to add to what has been said?...
What about 'the heist' on 'the td bank' that was posted a while ago, I'm on my phone so I can't find the link but I think it was posted in casual
I actually prefer reach matchmaking and although I prefered the H3 campaign I still prefer Reach as a complete game over H3 and ODST (the only two...
In BF for those who don't know, when your reticule is over an enemy so their name appears above their head you can press a button and an orange...
Looks good but you need to put a thumbnail image or else you just won't get the views
I like maps that use places other than forgeworld but it seems to me that a game in here would just be a battle along that one corridor. This is...
Also think about whether you actually want it to blow up as it would seem dumb if the defenders won the final phase
What about the flood as a playable race with giant controllable flood creatures to ride. You could have a 3 team territories like gamemode where...
Would I get marked down for submitting a conquest map? or any other game variant (invasion, infection, custom/mini-game, etc.)? I've got one map...
I'm in, but I would like to know whether the map should be competitive, aesthetic etc.
Try assault because then the ball is actually ball shaped. You need a neutral capture plate in the centre with the label 'assault_bomb' (i think...
I think you havn't quite got the point of the map. In KOTH you get points for holding an area of ground. This is usually in the form of a...
What you may not be able to see from the pictures is that there is a path up around the top of the cliffs and also at the cliff's base. So in...
I'm thinking of the name 'Rampant' or 'Mendicant', any opinions?
Mendicant Mendicant Download link (Note that map's name is still mendicant in my fileshare) Fellow forgers, I present unto you a vision of a...
I'm sorry to disagree with everyone but for me, this map always leaves me feeling uncomfortable. If I stay back, I'm to far out of the action but...
100th download! Love the map although I've only played it 1v1 in the beta phase. I'll be sure to get a party together and play it either today or...