Hi, and thanks again for great feedback. I will try to fix these problems. Maybe the hammer could be standing up from the water instead and a soft...
well thats my bad, I must have thought of something else when I wrote medium. (I will change that to avoid confusion) in the map there is the...
thanks man :D yeah, healthpacks is a *****. lol seems like you have to forget at least one thing after posting a new map. I had to edit...
yeah ^^ if bungie only could make DeStarfighter map pack. . . . lol :P
Downloaded it ^^ going to test it later today. I got some maps here to if you would like to check them out. Emollitus and Tower of Emollitus ^^...
yeah welcome to the community ^^ thats a pretty interesting map by the way
this looks like a real fun map. I love the sculpture in the middle. nice work
Looks like a great map, I would not have a problem if its small map. I prefer smaller well thought thru maps rather then giant maps where you cant...
Have to say that this map looks really good. Very original and a theme I never seen forged before. Looks like a real fun map to. Good work. //...
Thanks man. It’s a relief to hear that not everybody is repulsed by the idea of a vertical game :P I usually think that all feedback is great,...
Well as I said in earlier posts I prefer the slightly brighter look the Fx:s give the map. I guess people have different taste. thanks for the...
Well, you could add me and I’ll help you test some maps. (GT the same as name here) The middle piece and the fact that every level is equally...
you can add me and I´ll help you test your new maps ^^ GT: DeStarfighter cya
thanks for the comment ^^ I´m currently making 3 maps and trying to give them a distinctive style. I thought it looked better with the fx:s, it...
read this ;P http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/25204-how-post-your-map.html it will help you to properly post your map, helped me ^^
This is the second map in the Emollitus series Tower of Emollitus - Experts believe that this old facility once was a power source to run the...
Actually I´m posting it now Tower of Emollitus, be sure to check it out ;P
Aaaah, thank you ^^ Im going to fix that right away.
yeah, I know what you mean. I made a new map that might be better, you should check it out :D Emollitus
happy to hear that it played well ^^ by the way you should check out my new map Emollitus. need some feedback on that one to I give all my...