Im really liking the new version myself, looks clean and well done especially the towers. I can feel ya on the artificial pond, sometimes you...
Very beautiful and clean designed map I like the style and the way it seems to flow together. As im one who knows how sometimes some projects can...
This looks to be a pretty great map :) im also a fan of tactical jumps and im glad you found unique ways to put them into the design itself. I...
I really appreciate that :), and agree with you I do think once you move the map itself over to forgeworld youll have more time to add little...
Its really nice to see someone with similiar design tastes as myself, It seems like a very clean and neatly designed map. While the 1x1 thin &...
This looks like a very beautiful map and is quite similiar to blood drive itself, I'm not as big of a fan of gears as I am of the halo genre but...
This is honestly a very beautiful map I like the nice touch of aesthetics and what looks to be a solid gameplay flow. I especially like the tunnel...
Definately one of the most difficult maps to remake in any part of forge, Seems you did put alot of effort into the map itself and trying to...
Normally I sketch and design rough ideas out on paper after some brainstorming, this is usually a assortment of base, room designs and small...
Cool :) appreciate the message letting me know about the issue, love what you did with this map, hit me up sometime and will get a game going on it.
Its awesome that you finally released it :), seems you did add a few more neat things to it after the version I saw and messed around with you and...
I would say you done a great job making this come to life, I have like 11 remakes of lockout including eclipse on my hard drive and none really...
Its really a great looking reimagination of sorts, I love the way you did the actual lobby itself its very neat and complements your style well....
Is there anyway you could post a overview or a shot of the center of the map itself? Im unable to really see how open the map itself is. Its look...
This could end up a good idea I personally like the ideas you have for the overall layout. And i prefer the second option I think it will end the...
Habitat by Minister muffin Neuron II by Sugar...
:) You earned it love the design and asthetic values you came up with im hoping to play it soon so you should hit me up sometime for sure :). And...
This looks really nice sugar I can definately tell you took your time and brought out each aspect you had in mind the best you could which is...
I enjoy the look of this map it has a very mlg styled design to it, its also quite similiar to a zealot/heretic mix which I like. I like that you...
This looks really great, really reminds me of the actual halo 2 ascension I can tell you put alot of effort into it for sure. I do agree a actual...