but are you sure that is that map? if it is he should be banned 4 good ?ask him about it?
hey you know star of the knights could you tell me if it was his map because i viewed convorsation (just let me know if it was his ok)
hey dident you ban star of knights i think he was telling the truth because you wouldent post a map thats just been posted even if you made a...
hey i know you got my freind request but could you ethier show me a game of manifest or put it on your file share thanks. d4rkdemon
of fof **** sake i just got off warned and now i am again !!!!!!
hey dude add my gt d4rkdemon kk i will aadd you later aswell
brilliant map and well made i give you a 4.5/5 i like the 3 entrances and it is a boss territories game
hey you said you need a forge parnter add my gamertag then d4rkdemon i will be online after school
this is in the wrong fourm you know this is a competitive map but still i like it and i have too admit its fun playing with my m8s. nice work! 4.5/5
i have played alot of games like this and are preety fun but you'll need to take off the honor rules and you could fix it up and do a v2 make more...
hell yeah send me invite dude
hey i sent you a freind request on xbox live
what a laugh 5/5 :) you could make another version with differant types of traps etc pit fall, vibration trap
hey i love the chamber map could you add me on xboxlive d4rkdemon
hey next time could you not do matchmakin cos even though they are my freinds we dont play together much because i am always on forge or custom...
hey see you at 5oclock
i sent you a freind request on xbox live
i sent you a freind request on xbox lice
could you tell me when brain feast is (i live in england)