your map looks amazing (puzzle danger) send me a freind request through xbox live my gamertag is d4rkdemon
wow this should be feutured nao!! *really smooth *lovey turns *nice big banked turns *i love the spiral this deserves a feuture and you...
looks nice and i like the crate and dumster covers they are original but you need to start with geo merging and interlocking if you dont know...
i am hoping for people to share these oldest sig and there latest sig and please keep only one fourm for this ok example my oldest [IMG] my...
hey i have made a newer sig which i like its in my sig
i am preety new at gimp so could Icecikle help me out learning more advance areas of gimp
hey man if you like to play custom games, you can just join me cos i am normally doing customs and if you wanted you can join my clan but if you...
hey i have seen the videos of season one and i would like to try heres my gamertag d4rkdemon
tell me what you guys think [IMG] [IMG]
hey tell me when and i will test ok but before testing goes on just message me on forge hub
hey could i help you and master debayter on the **** zombies map and if you are done can i see it and why the **** did u join the dickhead mickys...
hey could u tell me if brainfeast is on this weekend and what time?
i will send u a freind request when i go online
hey on the pic on your sig how did you get the curved things around the guy with a gravity hammer
did you make the sig on your sig (image)
i just downloaded gimp and i have made my first sigs! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] tell me which one you think is the best (no flaming plz because i...
welcome to forgehub! i assume their is only 1 entrance so its just a amazingly forged holding out map and the human are helpless nice idea and...
i found 3 regens, and you ar a amazing puzzle maker 5/5
lol funny sign you should try to find more
blue:*** on were losing the race red:i am not a mongoose blue:oh yes you are (smack reds ass)