yes if you are a commie, no if you are a republicanist. or whatever it's called.
thank you for doing this it really helps
looks really fun actually, and i will check this out
holy crap! i like that box merged with the wall, that is sweet. other than that, everything is so cool and smooth, i wanna download it now, but i...
looks really cool i'll check it out
welcome to forgehub, and i hope you enjoy your time here with us on to the map. i personally do not like wrestling, but the map gives me the...
makes me wanna go turn on my xbox right now because it is so unique. cant wait to play this one with you Iv0rY
looks pretty cool ill check it out
yea i think gun is right, but that sucks for the guy being hit its like it wasnt even there..........and then BOOM! dead
the guy in red had fallen into a deep, neck-breaking slumber when his buddy slammed the Warthog into the Blue Team's 'Hog lol pretty cool
looks really open, but it looks pretty cool i might check it out
what Y35 said, by the way, welcome to forgehub!!
grats guys on the feature, and now i think that im going to dl these maps and check them out, even though im out of room on my hard drive, i will...
kudos to you for not making a map on the DLC maps, and this looks pretty epic, but what is to stop the people from just camping in the scoring...
yay for us even though my gt is SGTcrank55, lol. this map is so cool because it builds itself and then you can use the building for part of the...
looks pretty sweet i will check it out
i think i saw this on v1, and i liked it so ill check it out
looks ok il check it out good job
the bases are indeed unique and i like the sloping bridges, i will check it out sometime
looks pretty cool, its a race on foot, and i dont think anyone has ever done that before, so congrats to you on a first