looks alright, but to be MLG, there has to be certain standards. This doesnt look MLG, but if you tell me otherwise, I'll leave you alone about...
thanks guys i appreciate it
Hey guys, I have been strolling through the forums recently, and I realized some of the signatures on the site are way too advanced for MS paint....
looks original, and doesnt look too bad. ill check it out
looks pretty good ill check it out sometime
trent did
once again ivory, you have pulled off another feature worthy map. i tip my texan hat to you o great snack! definitely downloading.
great job blaze, i love the idea, and i will be checking this one out
sold with me! whens it coming out nevermind the above statement, as i have seen the post, and i love it, i Q'd it
oh look another fortress map! but this one is different, and i like it. but you should make it where it supports all gametypes instead of just the...
pretty sweet ill check it out
doesnt look bad, some areas could be straightened up a little bit, but other than that not bad ill check it out
not bad for a first post 7.5/10 good job
ITS GODZILLA!!!!!!!!! lol i like the idea even though it has been done before, this puts a new spin on things, so ill check it out
looks ok but the idea is not original, but hey its not bad for a first post, by the way welcome to forgehub
definitely original, it looks pretty good ill check it out, looks pretty fun, but maybe some action shots?
that center structure is like nothing i have ever seen before.....truly amazing, so i will be checking this out soon good job
looks pretty cool, but is there something to counter the ghost? ill check it out
looks very basic and simple, i really like it good job ill check it out
looks pretty good ill check it out