hmm i like the concept and i will check it out soon but i got the RRoD :'( definitely check it out when i get my xbox back
this looks pretty cool, i may check it out in the near future because my xbox bricked :'( but when i get it back i'll check it out
grats on mod
hello ranger blaze! oh uh grats on bayonetwork, that is definitely some of the finest forging i've seen in a while
damn that was a long post........worth the read though, definitely checking it out
if you have no proof, then why accuse of thievery? anyways, you are not the first to do this idea, but this is done so much better than anything...
O...................M................G..........W.........T.........F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although the lawnchair looked...
grats on loyal i been in mexico so i didnt know
sweet..................epic.........sick...........awesome.......*insert another cool adjective here* map, and i like the concept. great job on...
hey I'm sabian (pronounced say-bee-in) and I do not have a colored name, or a custom title, or anything like that. I'm a Lt. Grd 3 and I am decent...
hilarious, i can't believe NZ one-upped us, but it was coming
this does not look bad at all i will definitely check it out because it looks very interesting
looks sweet i will definitely check it out sometime
I think suicide is a problem, and those who commit suicide are leaving behind a family, or friends, or both. Suicide is very selfish, because as...
the sniper may dominate, but this map is pretty cool. good job
if ya need a tester give SGTcrank55 an invite whenever, I'm on a lot, just invite me
kudos for not making a map on a DLC map, but it looks kinda basic. other than that, it looks pretty cool, the weapons could be a bit more...
not bad at all, pipeline is also one of my favorites, i'll check it out
Skull name: Toaster Skull description: Not bullets, but FIRE! Skull color: Silver Skull location: Behind Cortana on the level "Cortana" Skull...
FH User Name:sabian133 XBL Gamertag:SGTcrank55 Age:14 Timezone: GMT-6 (CST) Weekend you'd prefer for the Tourney:July 5th or 6th Do you have a...