Looks alright, the small feel is great but once again with the shield doors. close combat brawls would take place, but not enough long range...
Looks very interesting, I like the elevator system you have. But is it only for 2v2 TS? because most maps are suited for all gametypes, if not...
Holy hell man, how difficult is this track? By the looks of it, it could give a NASCAR driver a heart attack. Which indeed is very good because I...
This is made very well, and I cannot wait to check it out. On the other hand though, better angle screenshots would be a lot more helpful. The...
You are the epitome of awesome TDF, and were you just browsing YouTube when you saw that? So freakin' epiclly awesome, but major uber-nerds.
+REP HIS ASS NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now my comrade. I thank you for your feedback, I'm sure it will help in the future. Thanks again!
so true.............
Awww thanks for rubbing it in my face kaya, I can't haz Ps because of moneyz......
Thanks, I'm still learning how to use GIMP, so I'm pretty sure I'll improve. But thanks for the feedback. What do you use by the way?
Thanks for moving it DQ, I didn't know where to put this. And my friend is a GIMP master, but he won't let me put his stuff on the Internet for...
Don't hate, I'm new at GIMP, and these are the first things I have made, so any feedback would be great. [IMG] Call of Juarez [IMG] Crysis Tell...
Oh, and I forgot about the weapon racks, those are freakin original, and very cool as well. Great Job!
This is pretty good. I like how you changed it from the original version you showed me not too long ago. Very Nice job, and I loved how it has...
The In Amber Clad is my favorite........wait no......maybe something like a transport Hornet, with turrets and stuff. Either would own pretty fast...
I can see the caption contest for this one coming soon lol. He's like "Why ar3 Y0u'Z Ups1De DOWN?? HHHHMMMMMMMMM???????"
Yeah Radiant, nobody really cares about first posing..... Anyways, on to the maps. Well I have to say that this is very original, and when you...
Nice Rip, this looks fun, and very well made. Good job, I love race maps, so this will get a download from me. I also like the interlocked...
yea you can, and it's a great alternative to Photoshop if you cannot afford it like myself
Looks pretty cool, and the book reference is always a plus, because the Ghosts of Onyx was an awesome book. But, it looks a bit open, and the...
Damn that was a long post......Anyways, this map seems very simple, and I like simple. But the bases are so open, and then people could get out of...