My gamertag is "a dying animal" Before that it was "lukeather" which is my nickname, i really don't know why. So anyways i choose my gamertag...
I like the smoke. Don't really like what you did to the hand much. I can't belive that took you 10 minutes, i thought it would of taken longer.
3 and 4 are very bright and you can't really see much, i would say they are 4/10. The rest i would give a 7 or 8 out of 10. Oh and 5 is my...
I can imagine it just crashes the server instantly because of the amount of people.
You can also rearange the order of people in your friends list by going into your friends list and pressing Y. Also when you look at your...
I like all the multikills. My favourite clip was the flag killtacular.
I like punk and rock because its well its what i like.
Cool snipe.
I think comedy works best for machinimas. The best i have seen is bagboy.... YouTube - Halo 3: The Bag Boy (Machinima)
Just because some kids get a little hyper because of a game doesn't mean to say they will grow up to be serial killers. Besides it may mean they...
6 or 7 tends to work best for me.
We all know that when you preorder a copy of "ODST" you get to play as johnson in firefight, pretty cool? Anyway my main point is without a doubt...
It was several civilizations calenders that end in 2012. Also centurys ago (probably might be less) a man called notradamus made many predictions...
I like to think that democracy is the best way because everyone would have some say in what happens. But all this is erelivent because when bungie...
Thanks. I always like to here that people like my work.
I have not done this yet but on the first campaign theres a room you can get into where the zombies can not see you. Youtube it it's called the...
I don't know about you but i play CoD5 (i suck at it if im honest) and recently they released map pack 3. For those of you who don't know each map...
You need to go to a doctor you may have somthing wrong with you.
Hi Brad.
Hi im "a dying animal" but call me luke. I choose my Gtag because i wanted somthing funny and this was avalible, can you imagine you are in a...