I think color is better.
Skull name: Beat skull Skull description: So you think your mike tyson Skull color: gold Skull location: Behind the monkeys on serria 117. Skull...
Welcome to forgehub Katie. If you have not already i advise you to look at the rules.
I like the first one because of the caption. Second one i don't know what to think of.
Personly i think it was evolution and not creation that put us here. Despite this i think it's still a good idea to keep a open mind because after...
1) Batman: Arkham Asylum because i have always been a fan of batman and the demo was amazing. It showed so much stuff and i just fell in love with...
Welcome to forgehub MyMadSkizls. If you have not already i advise you to look at the rules.
Im a little confused as to how this tread works but i guess you suggest map names to people so here are a few cool map names i came up with: 4...
The Ocho by ehand88. Legend Mansion by iTz Fuzzywig.
You just need to make a class that suits your style of play after that all you need to do is figure out the layouts of the maps.
Seems like it just has not came out of the random weapon box for you yet.
OMG. The demo is amazing. I have always been a fan of batman and have watched all the movies and played the games, but up till now i have not...
Personaly i would have to say i like the idea of there being a god because it would give are lives meaning and purpose but the whole concept of...
All forms of government have failed at one point. Also sorry about the misspelling i have changed it now.
3 out of 4 people who say they have swine flu actualy have normal flu. Which means people are just getting paronoide because its all over the news.
Bioshocks one of the scariest i have played
Welcome to forgehub MLRR. If you have not already i advise you to look at the rules.
I like the background but i don't like the poses, so i would say its 2/5. Oh and i prefer the 1st one.
I don't know he was very good in "liar liar"
Shinto is my favorite. The other two are about average but i would have to say i prefer bio-hazard to the other one.