nvrmind i got it
ok what is your gt?
oh ok my list might be full i can delete some people though
i had some ideas for a train on one of my maps that i think might work if you want just send me a party invite any time i am online GT jakob hunter
i can help make the scarab i made a pretty good map with two scarabs in it and am currently working on something funny with scarabsin it with my...
what he ^^said you used to get recon for it when Bungie chose them but now you just get alot of dls for your peice of crap although sometimes the...
i survived longer than that on a few rounds that makes me above average :D
you can try the maps in my sig they are called really fun by alot of people
great looking map has good geo merging and interlocking from the first pic it looks kinda plain but when you scroll down the pics do not look...
this map looks very interesting the slanted in building with the windows and the sword spawn are really cool and unique. The trenches are also a...
i really like the asthetics on this probably the best meeting hall i have seen the waterfall and castle look great and the jail idea was really...
wow looks really good so far i like the crashed warthog part alot i hope it turns out great the first one was fun and i can see this being better
thankyou i spent a long time testing the lights to get them almost perfect and i am pretty happy with the result thankyou for your comments.
I just played on this map last night with a group from bungie.net know as ZLG. It was amazing just about the best Blackout map i have seen i could...
i really like the first one with the turret it looks really cool and the one before it but i think they are all really good great job. I always...
how do i do that?
yeah i didnt want the bubble sheild generator in the second one but if it wasnt in the shot then you could see to much of the kill ball in the...
your last map post has inspired me to be more bold in my forging and posting thank you and keep doing what you do no matter what people like Dow...
very cool
i for one love the randomness of this map it was actually very creative and required thinking out side of the box to come up with such a long...