Haha Hulk Hogan. I'm impressed Camofo, this is splendid art. Especially "Enter the Cone" it is my personal fav. Speaking of cones put your h3...
Thank You all for your feedback. The has been Now updated with better spawns and cover for btter gameplay. cool.
Hola, apparently (from looking at Blood Fire's comment) you have journalistic abilities to change the name of threads. In which case, I was...
did you get my pm?
Forgive Me Lover
The map is awesome. no doubt about that. But... You should probably give some credit to the creator of Gold Rush for those slanted bridge turns....
Dude, wow. That is all I have to say. From looking at the pics I started imagining game play and this map looks like it would be so much fun. The...
Well from what I see there is little to no interlocking and merging. But regardless, this map seems amazingly clean and well made. Everything is...
Very fun map to play. One thing that I never noticed was that all those double boxes are geomerged. That must have been tedious. It is nice to see...
Well thank you but I sorta had in my mind that nobody has done that middle structure before..? whatever
Awesome. I have never seen that location or effect done before. good thinking.
It hails in comparison to distortion but nonethless it is impressive. Good work and nice interlocking.
thats tight. It is like a giant sliding door. very well done. That could be useful in a lot of maps.
Congrats on the premium. Distortion is amazing, but what gave you feature #2?
Great Job interlocking and Merging. The map looks very unique. My only concern is gameplay. Nonetheless the map looks pretty good
Not only do you need to credit the maker of the flying elephant but also, this needs to be in mini-game maps.
Nice map. The interlocking is the best feature. Very smooth and well done. I like all those curves and what not. I cant see any merging from the...
Not bad, I mean at least you interlocked but I assume that you are aware of how empty this map is. Just add more.
Hey, welcome. I speak for everyone when I say I'm glad you decided to make an account. You will really like FH's community. As for your maps. Make...
Those Eyeglasses are wierd. But that is not what I am commenting about. Nemi, Magic Shell is what keeps me going. It is the reason I wake up in...