ive given it a dl coz it looks pretty amazing but i cant really give any comments on the design and gameplay yet coz ur screenies dont really give...
I read this thread about half an hour ago and didnt really get what u were trying to say (im very tired).. I just decided to look back at it now...
haha i like it :)
I like Giungla.. Have u got any pics u could show us atm for inspiration?
Ghoul Sight Nerve Endings Creep Up Creep Down Undergrowth Plan it Ghostly Matters Curviture Sprinkled Left Eye Right Eye Juggernaut Play Naught...
I hope so but im not sure if im gunna pull it off within budget/object limits. If i plan it out right i should be able to though. I'm not sure...
lmao - easily the best :D
okay thanks for clarifying that with me
I've recently learnt this and there is a couple of things im wondering about it.. Is it possible to move the object again after you let go off it?...
I personally believe the top ring should not be a full ring that goes all the way round; only have the highest points at either side like you have...
- To both of these comments, i have considered what you have said and my intentions for the bottom of the map (beach) is not leave it as a blank...
Cheers everyone
wow im loving it. The design is so simple and has inspired me. It made me realise I've been thinking way too complicated with some of my idea's...
Island 3 looks epic. I haven't seen any of your previous ones but I will be sure to download this one. EDIT: when I click on the DL link for...
I noticed how you said this map is suitable for BTB / 16 players. I haven't tried this map out yet but 8v8 on sandbox's main level seems like way...
I have just watched the tutorial for it and i get the general idea and I'll try it some time tommorrow as i have got coursework to do in a...
haha same :D
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. And I will definitely look into it then. Do you know any good tutorials for ghost merging, because I'm...
Okay the topic title is pretty random but oh well. I am Cameron, from England and 15 years old going on 16; call me Comis or Cameron, I really...
Thanks for the suggestion; I am not very familiar with the ghost merging technique and I am not really a fan of kill balls. I think I will...