hence the post being a map preview, it is not released yet therefore testing is still to come. He mentioned he has done some testing but none on a...
i don't think that the fact it is escapable is a big deal... What exactly can you do if you escape? fall off and die? It will only really be a...
wow that looks mahoosive.. is it budget glitched and using object limit glitches? This is just the sort of map ive been looking for. I'll dl it...
Podium :D
broken picz? And cool, i was thinking of doing something similar.. you must of done this really quick, unless u started it before the film came...
I guess he probably is making it for the contest, but just forgot to mention it. If not, i recommend looking at the contests thread...
why is everyone posting no-scopes? :S we dont want a whole video of no-scoping and with an occasional sky-jacking or mongoose rocket overkill...
I had a go at this map earlier and it was actually quite fun. I'm not sure on weapon placement atm, it just didnt seem to work for me. I would...
Spartan Comis shows his flexibility on Guardian, performing multiple cartwheels at the top of the gold gravity lift. Cartwheels. Sorry if I...
Turnip! ermm... Cool Cliff Ice Fields Over Top Freeze Ice Mountains Glacial Range Mountain Range Icicle View Fulmar's Eye View (Fulmar is an bird...
its looks great and seems like a great idea.. i cant wait to play some games on this (Y) ;)
Thawed Icicular Icicle Icycletowork Water Caps (or Ice Caps) Winter Terter Juicy UMMMMMMMMM.. Foot Fetish or Podium Top Step Corner shop...
yea i live in UK and the time differences for that with America is bad enough so i can only guess how u feel.
:O whens testing?
ah that is a sweet edit
if this was like facebook, i would "like" your post. I am now desperate to play the game too.
yea i meant the locust.. i know they are completely different, i just meant how it looks like a spider :D.
i reckon they should incorporate that mini scarab thing from halo wars (i cant remember what it was called)
yea i agree.. thanks for getting it going again, i will probs be back in a few days looking for help and i'll be willing to give my idea's to...
I agree with you on everything you just said. i think it would be great for team swat doubles, or at least battle rifle starts as the line of...