haha ive been thinking the same thing for a while but I couldn't think of anything that he could call it instead, so I just didn't mention it :P.
Flux Regeneration? :L I don't know if this a joke banner or not, but strangely I prefer it to the original. In my honest opinion though, the grey...
I thank everyone for the feedback thus far and all the positive comments I have received. I can no longer resist the temptation to provide you...
Tbh I liked Crypto's 2nd Oddball logo the most out of the three we have. I do think B3NW's flag logo is spot on though, just how it should be....
Im loving all these gametype pictures :). I put the large TRS one that crypto made in my sig to try to help gain popularity.
I like customs so I have added all 3 of you :)
haha i would love to but i cant right now, just about to go out n get wasted in a tent. I used to tinker with the effects quite a lot and i did...
I know the question wasn't aimed at me, but i personally think it looks pretty sweet, with a good choice of images. Tbh though, im not fond of the...
:o why didn't i think of that, it sounds like it would work really well, perhaps even as good as the original. And now i think about it, you could...
destroyed is a strong word
i've heard/read about all these weapons listed before, except the plasma repeater. I want one.
lmao jesus u made me lol. OT: I agree muchly; it is a cool map. I particularly like the doorway on the first screenshot. Well done on the...
No it isnt, this is one ive been working on for a few weeks, although now I think about it I suppose it could work well for team RS. I think it's...
@ crypto haha thanks for the advice, and nah i always like to put words with a picture and i wrote that like a week ago :P @ steve yea when i...
The thing with chess is i dont think they actually made a working gametype, they just did a few tricks on forge that made it look real. PLUS...
you missed out the key word 'MIGHT'. It was originally created as a network test, but if it gains enough popularity it could still ship with the...
UPDATE, 12th April 2010: New screenshots are now up. I must admit, they aren't anything special. They are on the second page (here). Also, the...
I hate betrayers.. I remember two or three times I have been one or two kills of a perfection, coming towards the end of a game, and then some...
Yea, I did notice when I was testing a gametype that had similar scoring (but more complicated and on a larger scale) that reaching the score...
The gametype seems to work really well and the amazing thing is you have got it working with many compatible maps and have gained popularity so...