this looks really creative and cool. Love the snackhouse and the little pallet dock, it's very nice although the lake isn't filled completely but...
nice... halo jenga... sounds interesting and fun. i like these type of things
BWAHAHAHAHA! oh my god, this looks amazing! that is hilarious! looks like super mucho fun!
nice idea, that would be a fun game i imagine... lots of laughs must ensue...
damn, i was gonna say that. but yeah, enlarge your pics. from what i could see through my squinted eyes it looks pretty good... i think... i...
very interesting design. i like the look of it a lot, nice ramp and chutes and everything. very cool idea having the little opening which drops...
LOL! this game sounds freaking hilarious but in an awesome way. i hope that this idea spreads and becomes a favorite! good luck and good job!
this map looks pretty good. very nice design, everything seems to be even and perfectly symmetrical and it looks like fun. good job!
this map looks very interesting and original. i really like the idea of using that space. just that alone makes it unique. very creative....
Thank you both for posting on this. Both of your ideas are really cool! Although I haven't heard of conquest before I think I get what your...
hmm... the video was good but not great. i don't mean the map isn't great, i mean the video didn't really show everything. but anyway the map...
all i gotta say is, wow! this honestly looks like the best fort map i have ever seen! the waterfall/moat is excellent to say the least. the...
wow, this map looks excellent. everything looks really neat. the bomb point in pic 2 looks awesome! very nice idea. good job!
the computer i'm using right now doesn't allow these pictures but as soon as i get home i'm gonna view this post again. from this description and...
Okay, so basically my intent for this thread is for people to post their ideas, however wild and crazy they may be. These ideas may fall in any...
i really love space ship maps and this one looks just as good as any other one. although yes it does need to be neater but i can hardly say i'm...
it looks pretty cool. i like the staircases and bases and stuff, i also like the little room. it looks slightly sloppy in some parts but i think...
from that one pic it looks awesome! i love space ship maps! but still, you gotta put up pics
well from the pics it looks really fun. i like the choice of which way to go, looks good! but i wouldn't name it cavern like the other people...
what the heck??? how do you get there? is that a part of rat's nest??? i never knew about that!