this looks freaking amazing! super intense action is written all over this map. looks really awesome, great job!!!
hmm, looks like a nice idea. the catwalk thing is really awesome, very creative. looks like a very good map and a good zombie game with a...
looks really good. i really like the intentional messy look to it, it adds an aesthetic-ish feature, nice job.
i was thinking a dumpster also. what i think would be really cool is if you used the pallet conveyor belt idea except with a bigger/wider belt...
looks good, i saw the original but i don't remember well enough to make a comparison. but this one looks good anyway. very nice design well...
woah! this looks really awesome. It's really cool how it's like a big building surrounding the middle section. great job! however, you didn't...
how did you get the elephants to float??? that's really cool. even though it is a mod... looks really fun.
this map looks great! i really like the random objects everywhere not many people do that but it's a good look. the other parts look really cool...
haha! this game looks like it would be tons of fun. what's better than splattering people with barrels and soccer balls? nice map the funnel is...
I couldn't have said it better myself. But about the map, it looks very cool. I like the inside mazey look to it. Not too many open places...
i really like the look of this. it's nice to see a really cool entryway into a castle/fort. usually you just walk in but i really like this it's...
Awesome! A giant cube! This is an incredibly unique idea. Like what The SEEJ said, a cube is a very simple shape but it seems really complex....
very nice awesome volcano really good lava technique making both fusion coils inside and outside. very nice looks like it would definitely be...
this is quite possibly the best helicopter i have ever seen. great job! looks terrific!
these maps looks awesome. i have seen the first one before, but the other two are new to me. the ghost golf looks awesome too! great idea! who...
this map looks very cool! i really like how the whole map is towards the top instead of close to the ground. it gives it a brand new look so...
very nice. i like this design a lot. it's very unique. it looks like an excellent ctf map! the bases and lower sections all look perfect and...
this map looks excellent, i don't see anything wrong with it. also, for those of you that keep telling him to interlock, not one of you mentioned...
Woah! This looks amazing! Not many people use mainly those sections, but you pulled it off to perfection! Terrific!
this looks very nice. i'm guessing this is a zombie map? if not it still looks like a great slayer map. either way looks like it would be very...