i've been wondering if you can energy sword joust on halo... and i guess you can. I wouldn't have put rockets in there though it would just cause...
this map looks very good. i really like the high levels of it. i like maps like this where you have to be higher up to have a good advantage....
these are definitely some beautiful maps. very nice design for all of them. they all look great and super fun to play on. great job!
we played duck hunt last TGIF, and it was really fun. as for the other two, they also look great! the jenga tower looks really fun a great idea...
this looks like a very fun minigame people have been making a lot of minigames lately and they have all been good including this one. looks very fun.
HOLY $#!& I saw the first picture and I was in awe! Words cannot even express how awesome this map looks so i'll leave it at that.
it looks like a good place for swat practice, nice idea and good job
nice job on this map i really like the look the base is really cool too nice job
ooh, looks good, nice tunnel look, good job. it looks cool and small
this map looks very good. it has a great look to it especially the bases they look sweet nice symmetrical-ness, overall great job
"holy schnikey!" this map looks mucho incredible! I can't honestly think of anything else to say other than great job! i seriously don't see a...
I don't really think I've ever played team swords before but it sounds alright. Free 4 All swords is of course fun, especially when played on...
this sounds like a really fun mini-game idea. i might just have to try this out for myself. It would be difficult to really perfect it though.
I could imagine why you would want to find out these things, it would be useful for balancing, trapdoors, etc. But as far as knowing the weights...
It's good to go back and look at old maps, but i'm guessing this is probably against some rule. Good idea but it's time to let the old maps pass...
I was wondering how to do this! I was making a map and when I went back they're all different. Thank you, although I probably won't use this...
3.) Always test something before you move on and forget about it.
An honor rule is basically any rule applied to a gametype that can't be set in the custom settings. For instance, if you are playing a game, and...
Woah! looks awesome. it seems that more off map blackout maps have been made than on map ones. great job i love this type of map!
hmm. pretty good map i'd say. not bad, not bad. and also good first post. but yeah try interlocking i'm not one of those people who nags about...