never played roadkill but this sounds like a lotta fun. i like minigames and vehicles a lot so this should be the game for me. the map looks...
this looks amazing! seriously, this is one of the best i have seen lately. the design looks perfect and flawless. the interlocking and other...
this looks like a really cool idea. the map looks really good also. i really like the idea and the look of it. looks fun!
i was thinking of making a pac-man map too. this one looks amazing! this is the first one i've seen and it looks awesome. i'll have to play it!...
this looks really cool. it looks like a very fun map with a cool plot and game. the actual map looks really good also. really cool idea good job.
i have never really played a border patrol map but have seen tons of them. i guess they must be fun if people keep making them. it looks fun...
holy crap! this looks sweet! this is such an awesome idea! i think there should be fusion coils flying out of his "hand of judgement." or put...
this one doesn't look like it has a lot in it. i actually kinda like how it's open but still inside though it gives me some good ideas. but it...
why did you change your sig.? i miss the old one.
i really like the inside it looks very complex with a lot of danger spots and such. looks very nice but the pics are a little bit small not...
i would think this is still more of a dodge ball type game but it still looks good i have never played one of these but they look fun.
this looks good but it seems a lot of new maps look similar to this. it also looks kinda bland...
hmm. this looks really cool. nice job floating pretty much everything it seems like it would be an awesome zombie map looks cool for sniping...
haha nice trap, how'd you make it? this looks really good in terms of aesthetics, but if you intend it for gameplay i think you should add a lot...
well i use tiny pic i just choose 640 x 480 and it automatically resizes it on here. also, on bungie make sure you aren't getting the small...
this sounds like an awesome idea, but could you explain a little more please. i don't really get the dying/respawning/picking class thing. also...
hmmm. this looks like a really good map, but to me it doesn't look like flat out snipers. i think there should be mostly snipers but have a few...
no way this is your first map! this is really good. i think that on all the little bases there is not enough cover, there are like 4 different...
this has a really good design. it has very good interlocking and very cool use of scenery to form ramps and the like. it looks like a very good...
holy crap this sounds spooky. i have gotta try this you may have just started a new cult; supernatural halo. wow, i gotta try this. however,...