I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I know this against ForgeHub rules. I don't know exactly what the rule is, but you're not supposed to double...
What I can see in that picture looks good. It's already been said once but I can hardly restrain myself from telling you to add more pictures....
This is definitely one of the best or the best fortress I have ever seen. It looks complex and awesome. I love the gate it's very original....
First of all, let me say, this is definitely the coolest track i have seen. However, i wouldn't consider this or any of the other tracks similar...
wow. the hill must of taken tons of time. very nice job, flying sniper thing is cool too, does it go somewhere where one can't get it if you...
does the name of a map really matter that much people? anyway, the map looks decent. you should definitely add a LOT more to it than just that....
all i have to say is... awesome... best hill ever.
hmm. i'm gonna say this map is good, but it seems like one of those maps you just have to play to really understand. maybe if you put up a few...
well i can hardly see anything from just one picture, but other people have already stated this, so instead i will talk about the map. from the...
holy crap. you got me at the first pic. the map looks excellent, it is an amazing idea and the map looks well built. great job!
this map looks awesome. i love the curviness of the main structures. It is really cool it looks like an awesome trench-ish map, great job!
this map looks really cool. the creek and waterfall are really good. good job.
I knew this map would get featured! When I saw it the first time I was completely blown away. Excellent map definitely deserves feature.
HA! that's exactly what I was thinking! i had an idea like this glad to see someone made it. it looks and sounds like a lotta fun it's very...
this map looks like a really good symmetrical map. it looks like you used good forging methods. nice post also. the map looks really good i...
i love inclosed maps, and this one looks great! the interlocking looks really smooth and the design looks really cool. it is a very cool idea...
this map looks very good. but yeah i was also confused about the pictures but i get it. the map looks great, awesome close combat look to it....
this looks like a really fun map. it looks good also. the teleporters are good, the shield doors are good, the tank is awesome, the bridge above...
definitely three but the picture is kinda deceiving me it'll still have the same basic layout of buttons and whatnot right?
i don't see what you mean when you say the map doesn't look great as far as interlocking and such. cuz this seriously looks better than some maps...