this map looks really good but i think out of map blackout race tracks are too narrow and difficult, i think an out of map competitive map would...
hmm, looks like fun, it looks kinda like cat n' mouse
wow this looks awesome, that's all i gotta say
hmm looks interesting although i can't say i'm too fond of these kind of maps. i'm guessing it's just that tiny little area? well it looks alright
this map looks really cool! i really like the design and everything, the bridges looks really good i like the aesthetic look to them not much else...
puzzle maps are fun, but we need to know what we are downloading, please put more pics up to give people a better understanding of the map.
hmm. i really like the idea of having to make your way past obstacles but it seems way too long to be enjoyable in a normal game. nice song haha...
this looks cool. i've always wanted there to be a map in/on water. i think it would be cool if Bungie made a water map and you could add...
as the others have been saying, it is pretty empty. but at least the stuff you DO have looks nice! geez guys, you don't have to be so harsh....
i can't really get a good idea of the map based on these pictures, but from what i am imagining it looks like it looks really good!
wow, this map looks incredible. it looks very neat and creative. i love the fountain, those are always fun. it looks perfectly sized too, not...
gee, i sure do love interesting maps, and if this isn't interesting, i don't know what is. 10/10 for creativity, 10/10 for look, and [rating...
looks like tons of fun! even though i'm sure this is not the case, wouldn't it just say that the people fell to their death instead of getting...
the pics work for me but they are way too small. however from what i can see the map looks intriguing and pretty cool, but the bridges looks a...
hmm, this looks very interesting... also very original. i really like the design of this map. it looks very connected well thought out. looks...