Thats given that you have the chance to do so. Just look at the story of Hamlet where Hamlet senior is murdered and was not given the chance t be...
Well I guess every human being ever born is Phucked in this case. lol
YouTube - Jonathan Quail[Halo 3] I found this video a while back and I think it is one of the most well put together Machinimas I have ever...
Telling Me to "shut up" doesn't help your argument or make me feel the need to be quiet. I also don't want you to not answer me because I would...
Jesus Was born a human so he was not a part of God even if they say he was the son of God which I don't believe . Holy Marry and her name has been...
Jesus wasn't pure if he was human which he was ,sorry to burst your bubble but nothing especialy a human being can not be pure and he was a human...
Nothing is pure and most things such as groups are always judged by its strongest parts and its weakest. Christianity Is a very large group thus...
Hitler deffinatly doesn't represent Christianity I was just saying that corruption happens to every thing and makes it rotten he happened to be in...
I choose all of them because they all have a belief in a higher power even the extreemist/violent ones, but yes Christianity has contributed to...
Well thats good welcome back may be you can not get in trouble this time lolol.
How long have you been back?
hey your un banned lol.
It doesn't even have to be killings I can focus on just the violence which can cause death if serious enough. I didn't mention Christianity I was...
I've been reading alot of posts commenting on morality and or morals of said side. I say both sides have morrals and both have great immoralities....
I like everything about the map only things I would remove are the spartan laser and missle pod they just were over powered and they don't really...
I am arguing Christian beliefs because Im familar with those beliefs it would be stupid for me to argue over other religions when im not fluent in...
Im just talking about christianity's god right now because im most familar with this religion since I used to be a member of it. Im not familar...
I agree it would to bad it won't happen cause hes imaginary like the easter bunny, tooth fairy, boogie man, santa, and lepercauns lol. God is part...
Evolution you CAN prove with a variety of things. Creation you CAN'T prove because you can't see or talk to god. This is my two cents.
Who said that people who know not of god will go to heaven or hell? No one knows where they go cause no ones been to heaven and back. Just cause...