YouTube - Corrosion of Conformity - Stare Too Long YouTube - Can't You See (1977) - Marshall Tucker Band I love my southern rock bands.
All hail the unicorns . They are wise and all knowing , and geneticaly possible :] You gotta love gentics .
Oh ok I read what you said and was like "huh?" lol. I just got a different idea out of what you wrote I was so confused ;].
Well unicorns are not that far fetched in my opinion there already are animals with a single horn on their skull. Narwhals are an example of this...
When did being atheist become extremist? We don't kill in the name of atheism lol. Its not even considered a hostile group so how did it become...
We gained knowledge which changed/surpressed our natural instincts. Humans still have many instincts mostly in a survival mode so the body can...
Oh nice I just noticed you removed the Laser man that was evil lol it killed almost everyone of my sprees that weapon combined with the regen was...
Great game I think this could be classified more as a Mini game than a casual map because its an elimination game varrient and its very much like...
Very good map I prefere the team slayer games on this map when we tested this and all the paths you put into the design of the map work well. I...
Any one notice the killballs are used for the balls? ;] "Hes got balls of fire" lolol As for the map I think you could have added more too it...
I think it depends how you die. If you die under normal Eath conditions you will rott and decompose while if you die in a vacume area like space...
Well it could use refrasing but the main question is "what is the meaning of life " and yes answer them.
I'd like to ask one thing. If we were created by a god what is our meaning or purpose for the God? "Whats the meaning of life" and how does god...
yes and it should be enforced. I dont like squeakers and when it say 17 plus I exspect to play with that age or older.
Then since its a story by your definition does that mean that it is made up and a work of fiction? Or do you believe its a true story and a non...
We have a featured section that has plenty of cool maps. The great journey one is the best out of the list IMO though.
Ive seen stuff like parkour but I never knew it was called that.
Im voilent sometimes but it takes a very stressed out person to be set off by video games. I use my games as a stress reliever and to just pass...
I do like your and Sarges reviews I can see how it does come off as slow starting and strung out. I think it was to build suspense which lead up...