Good your debating skills suck go take a class in your high school and learn some proper strategies. Yes I can tell I'm person D and I at least...
Well its relevant that we know their accomplishments the reason Jesus became popular was in his claims and his mysterious life. People like...
I know both their names are still talked about today I was just saying that the Romans have a much greater influence on how we live today than...
Yes Jesus is still effecting "some" people today but Julius and the Roman influence still effects all of us today whether it be us traviling on a...
Did anyone bother looking at any of my links showing why there is no body of Caesar? He was Creamated. His physical proof of existance includes...
Blame the guy who decided it would be a good argument to prove Jesus's or gods existance. lets get back on topic now.
Exactly we even have busts of Caesars torso and head giving us an exact image of what he looked like. We still don't have know what exactly Jesus...
If you were in my History class you would be laughed at,and we are ALL are aggravated with your piss poor arguments, Both sides are. We actually...
Erico is a immature kid that has no knowledge of History I don't even know how I should reply to his absolute stupidity. Julius Caesar was real...
We're not trying to make you leave it or totally be unhappy with religion we ,or at least me would like it if at least people would use common...
I entered red text under your statements as a counter argument. Read carefuly so you don't missunderstand the message as some have.Im not being an...
Well in science you can repeat events by doing experiments and if it is true then the experiment is repeatable. Religion has many stories where...
Lets see how I can pick appart this post.... ok first you go to random insults for a very common typo and you became a grammar ****. Next...
Hey I was woundering about my accounts history on this web site . Ive had quite a few blacklists one being recent and I was woundering if they...
YouTube - What Are Christians Going To Do In Heaven This guy is high or drunk but has a good point "What are you going to do in Heaven?"
YouTube - How to make an Angry Christian This video shows that many stories of the bible were copies of older religions and that jesus is not...
But they do it in the name of jesus and god so it must be ok right? No Just because the bible says something doesn't mean you should do it. Brian...
How about the guy getting crucified in the first video? Thats a good thing too? How about those guys hitting and cutting themselves in the name...
YouTube - Crazy Christian Camp For Children First minute of the video is part of the other video now watch this its all about how the children...
I love how your group has only you in it :] and yes I do consider how you talk to how the people act in my above video. I see the light and its...