for text ;] what kind of shitty rating system is everyone usinbg in that thread. the text even matches the texture lol .
I've seen a few that put the cloths authenticity in the balance just look up some history channel documentaries they did a good job on it . I...
4/10 for text WTF lol
Do you have the vision camera on ?
It determines how and where they will be deposited or even if they could be created in a given area. Not any dead animal can become a fossil , you...
This is why you failed in the "God" debate as well you jump in comment then leave. Then when someone responds you just say well I wasn't really in...
The reason there is fossilized sea life at high elevations is do to plate movement and collisions at one or two plates causing one to crawl onto...
Well there are some problems even with that list. They put 18 year old guys that have sex with a 17 year old girl if the parents find out and sue...
[IMG] [IMG] This image is probably one of the best examples proving evolution is true. It shows how these finches who were all the same and...
I like justice and I don't think murder is acceptable for every situation but if someone did hurt my family I would kill them all. Prison doesn't...
When I say motive I mean like the guy/woman ruined your life or killed your family type motive. Im not saying kill them because you don't like...
It depends how you kill them and who it is. You can't just murdere anyone for no good reason. I say if you have a good enough motive then it is...
Thank you for posting this I forgot the specific order of how life is created I just added this to my last post to fill in the gap if you don't...
Life is countless chemical reactions that happened and over time evolved into what we call life today. The primortial soup would be the best...
No you can lock it, this one seems to just be going in circles anyhow. @SargeantSarcasm Yeah I felt the same way a few pages back and made a...
LOL your evil , you should have gone for the kill ;].
I say we should do the research and screw who ever gets "offended" by it ,because whats worse making someone mad or letting a curable disease...
I know I was going to write hehehe after because I saw how back and forth it was so I basically did nothing ;].
I don't think there was two shooters as many think but I don't know what the motive of Oswald for killing the president so. In that way I think...
Why there's religion: People like stories [bible] The stories helped people set up a moral standard they wanted to follow and teach their...