Testing this with you was pretty fun and you know you got my download man. Im happy you gave a face lift to bunker hill. I like the building...
WoW , lol Ummm IDK that looks really good the sword spawn just looks creative as hell. I love unique maps and this has many unique features to it....
Do you know the tooth fairy,Santa Clause,Easter bunny,and lepercauns don't disclose them selves either lol. God is Imaginary and is a folk tale...
I think its stupid thats why I go in there look for things that can be argued and debate about that. I debated about how prayer has no effect ,...
Hitler was a bad Christian considering all the churches ,temples,mosques,ect that he destroyed. Not to mention the millions of souls he sighned...
I posted my pic in the post you pic thread just look there for what people look like.
Spam has happened and its in the form of crappy random maps and "great 5/5 " posts lol.
I think this is stolen so report and move on.
The game plays good with the circular hills that change size around the middle structure. The centerpiece could have been edited alittle so it...
IDK Ive seen tons of these types of maps and Theres nothing that makes this any different from all the other[D-Day maps,Nomandy beach,Bunker...
Well don't take something away from someone if it means alot to them. He obviously already has problems mentaly so this probably just set him off.
Vehicles , Armor, more buildings to explore. ect
The only reason that game exists is because of the Halo 3 beta lol. That game was pretty stupid if you ask me.
Well we needed to test it on someone lol. Seriously though we save many more lives than if we had a land invasion and had to kill ALL of the...