It has been confirmed. Both Bravo and Eli confirmed it. I wouldn't pissed if it hadn't been confirmed.
Exile looks like a pretty awesome map. Stoked about that.... Buuuuuut..... YOU CAN'T DROP THE FREAKING FLAG! There better be an announcement...
Doesn't matter. You should have acknowledged the potential for this to occur when you started. You can either stick by your word and pay up, or...
You can't drop the flag. You can't drop the flag. You can't drop the flag. You can't drop the flag. You can't drop the flag. You can't drop the...
Some one needs to die for this. Literally.
Seriously dude, you're on a roll.
Look at you, on a roll with saying things I agree with. :P
Pyro, I posted on you're wall to keep it from this thread. Instead of bringing here, you should have PM'd me your response. And the reason why you...
Pyro, why you coming down so hard on me for merely raising debate? I'm simply provoking discussion, so don't try to spin this into some ***** session.
True, but still, gotta stand by your convictions. Hard learned lesson for him.
Which is one of many reasons why I abstained from participating... All the same, he should follow through with his promises. Edited by merge:...
Sticking to Bumper Jumper. Got my X and B buttons mapped to the underneath of my Scuff Controller, so using either for whatever the purpose...
Actually, yes. Gotta live up to your commitments, even if they don't turn out they way you hoped.
At the risk of sounding like an ass (again) here, I really gotta tell ya that you shouldn't have announced and hosted the contest unless you knew...
So we've got FHF at about once a month at this point, and it's a popularity contest. Winning a FHF is supposed to be less prestigious than getting...
Aye, that first paragraph is sooooooo true. Can't please 'em all, ya know. There's a great story about a man, his wife, and a camel walking...
Funny, that exact same argument can be used to defend other maps that "didn't play smackdown well".
Looks like you've made some major changes since I last saw it. I won't comment on it until I check out this new version, but I do hope it's been...
Sounds good enough to me.