Looks pretty freaking awesome Tim! Nice work! Oh yeah, I'm baaaaaack!
Sorry, just gotta lol at this. Stevo, you're a funny guy. :P
Well considering that I don't show much depth here... Haha.
No worries guys. I'm just an equally opportunity hater. :P inb4infraction
Jesus, look at the massive circle jerkage going on this round. Bust out the lube fellas and some tissues to clean yourselves off! This one looks...
I do actually like this one. Gets my vote.
Not really dude... I'd be just as critical depending on what got featured, as I was with Nutduster's Hoglauncher. And it is pretty lame that...
I'm not fighting this one. Just take the words of congats and let me move on.
Nothing, aside from it being a map from a good 'ol boy and part of the smackdown. Now mind ****ing off and bothering some one else for actually...
I'm just gonna say gratz to Zombie and walk away...
Yes, it's free. It's a mod of Half Life 2 recreating Half Life 1.
No worries dude. It just seemed out of character. Shoulda figured it wasn't what I thought.
That is freaking awesome!
Something about features. Not sure the specifics.
Actually, I'd stand by my word and hand out the prizes if I were in your position... But I'm not, because I know better. Most non-staff contests...
And I really can't believe you just threw that argument in my face, especially considering how civil I was actually being in that thread. The ****...
I hate your sarcasm.... "By the way, I haven't actually played this map. I'm a bad staff member. But it comes highly reccomended, which probably...
Did I not delete it? Realized I was completely out of context. My bad.
You never released this?! Daaaaaaamn. Well, you know my stance on the map already. Shame we never really got any games on it way back when. :/
It still brings doubts to whether or not I want the game... But, there will probably be more positives that out weigh it. At least I hope so. But...