Crazy, this sounds a little bit like a conspiracy theory to me now. ProxiSchnitzel was my secondary account during my H3 tryhard days in a failed...
Please, do continue this witch hunt. It's mildly amusing. You knew me what, three years ago? A period of time where I was struggling with...
Oh, so it's about me then eh? I'm just butthurt that I don't have a feature right? Excellent deduction there mate. You speak about growing up?...
Boy you've changed since you joined the in-group here dude. Shameful to see you actually lie through your teeth in support of the self-serving ass...
Never gonna happen until the staff is composed 100% of mature, objectively minded individuals and this place breaks away from the "Good 'ol Boy"...
Jet let her die... It's time has passed.
This right here is the biggest issue to me as to why FH died off. Between self serving staffers and their respective cliques, over zealous...
Screw spinoffs. Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Smith Adventures never interested me... The characters are too boring. The Doctor though, he's...
Actually, the Doctor has 13 regenerations as opposed to the normal 12 that most Time Lords have. Additionally, the penultimate generation of the...
Yeah, I've been tied up with my studies and partying a bit too much for forging. Got a few other designs I'd like to wrap up, but don't have an...
I abhor remakes of forge maps without the consent of the original author. If this map where to ever go anywhere, I'd prefer it be a reforge done...
There's some tweakage that Hahka is doing on my behalf (no xbox)... Nothing that changes the design though. Just lowering the bases a little,...
You totally stole the FI name-tag from me. ****. :P Probably your best map to date, and I definitely sense a sort of Pit standoffish playstyle...
Trick of the eye mate. The map is approximately 240 units wide and features significant segregation of sight lines between the different spaces on...
Select FI By: SecretSchnitzel Aesthetics by: Hahka Cleaning by: Hahka Select is an elongated bridge map in the style of Narrows. It's designed...
It's not so much that there's any sort of rivalry, it's just that FH has developed a bit of a reputation for caring more about the aesthetics of a...
I'm back, although I won't be participating here. I really don't like the staff and don't want to support this website. Only here to keep in touch...
I'd say I'm behaving. I'm not posting any of my usual rhetoric on the boards at least. :P
I heard all the drama from the old staffers on XBL back when they had their falling out. Meh. Forge kids a pathetic. Every one wants to be a big...
And I like you... Just as I liked much of the old staff... It's only that ignorant cuntish children kill any iota of respect I have for this...