This U.S. only thing is total bull. Good thing my permanent address is in the states though, even if I refuse to live in that shoddy country. :P...
That be the case, nepotisim actually did take a back seat to quality but unfortunately due to the polarization in the votes, the bottom tier that...
All I have to say is the 4PL Contest at the end of Reach was garbage. Bad maps were selected that didn't even meet the splitscreen requirement,...
Nah. Let it die. It can go join Invasion in the depths of Halo Hell, where those god awful gametypes belong.
Campy spots and general poor balance. Too many games Warholic and myself sat in on, we were instructed to back off and let the other team take the...
Loved your response Maximus. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not writing off explicit incentives entirely. They need to be intimately married to...
Conversion? Ewwwwww... I've got nothing against the gametypes, more the maps that have been forged for it. Yeah, lets try to copy the same shitty...
Forge Richochet playlist perhaps? Right before I left the States of Austria again, I heard chatter from some of the CC's that Richochet maps is...
Congratz guys. Glad I managed to go out with a bang.... Shame this might be my last map for a loooooooong time.
To diminish extrinsic motivators as a driving forces does not equate to Communism. To remove them entirely can result in stagnation of similar...
Oh ye old Extrinsic vs Intrinsic motivation... For me, as an outside that also had an ear on the inside, my stance is that the old regime was...
Yes, yes, let's take Ricochet and make Griffball with it! Such an amazing idea! Excuse the sarcasm, but I'd love to see a more unique spin on...
You lurking bastard! You're alive!
Do you dislike me so much you have to dissect my post to such a point to find issue with it? Grow up dude.
On one I hand, I like the angles as they give the map a some what unique look as well as detract from what could have been an overly boxy...
My first feature, egads! Thanks guys. Epicenter is by far my favorite forge map out there currently. I honestly can't think of a bad thing to say...
Welcome back.
Thanks guys. Thinking I've about got the bloody spawns ironed out at this point now. There's a v3.2 in my fileshare currently. Changes: -Stream...
Personally, I preferred Halo Reach's to some extent... Dealing with framerate really separated the good forgers from the bad, and dealing with 2PL...
Oh sweet memories. Best thread ever. RIP THC.