Bring back that style of aesthetic. I miss the clean forerunner aesthetics... Make the pieces "flatter" (not stupid polygon intensive models) and...
All said and done, H2A has the best frame rate performance out of it, H4 and Reach. It's frustrating that there are still glaring issues with it,...
It's hard to test empirically (free of other pieces influencing it) to get an accurate assessment of which pieces are the worst. I'm building my...
Looks pretty solid from what I can tell so far. My only gripe is the block flooring... I know the terrain pieces are hard to work with in...
90's allows for having multiple power weapons spawning at different times with minimal overlap amongst the whole lot. Also, as Haunted pointed...
Well, it helps a good bit and is step in the right direction, but there's still a hell of a lot of connection problems in customs still. The...
The length of the chain of timers causes items to spawn further down the succession, the timing difference is consistent so simply offsetting it...
How does that improve consistency? It's 100% consistent as is. If anything, we could move to offset the item delay spawn by pinpointing at which...
Correct, but the point is that it's 100% consistent.
It wasn't the tools that drove people away, it was the tools being on two shitty games in a row. I'm hoping that with H2A actually being a good...
Oh I agree completely. I've put myself in boxes like such several times over.
It's low-res... Don't have a cap card, so I stream to twitch and screen shot off my laptop. Sucks, but that's all I can do for the time being....
The first H4 map on Impact in the video, I remember getting a decent number of games on that. Probably was one of the more enjoyable of your maps...
The site is creeping back to life again... Definitely more so with oVR seeming to take a step back and let other members of the staff run it. I'd...
Well, after several test games on the last version of Orion, I've come to realize that the design simply wasn't very good. I find myself...
Yeah, trial and error. If map has frame rate, delete pieces you think might be the problem and try something else. Keep note of what pieces turn...
Kinda, but it's tied to a script to where your flag is located rather than the flag itself, meaning that just walking over the flag would turn the...
With Halo 2's scripting, you are able to spawn an despawn objects. With this in mind, SecretSchnitzel and myself decided to test to see if there...
The give us mirrored objects, yet take away one of the few we had before TMCC. Lulz.