[IMG] Well, I've finally decided on a map name (thanks to wiggums for the suggestion) and I believe the map is almost done. I really like the way...
THIS That's awesome, very original and nice addition with the stars and blackness, definitely downloading this when you release it :)
This... I'm only at like 450 kills right now and even though I usually get 30 kills a Multi Team game (40-50 sometimes) I'm not sure If I'll still...
I have not made a single map by myself(there have been a couple planned coforges) where real planning beforehands was involved. I usually get a...
Sgt. Buck's FF voice is the greatest thing in the armory. Nathan Fillion is a riot :D
**** the drama, there's no love in this. You both should have just gone inside the room and held out for the last 20 seconds :P But yeah you were...
I don't believe they do anything in slayer or any other game modes besides Invasion of. I have no plans for Act 3 right now, I am currently...
Hey dude, if you still wanted that video for your gametype send me a FR over live. I want to get a game on it with you. The last one had some...
Killballs aren't immovable objects unless they're set to fixed or phased.
I love these simple close quarter hallway style 2v2 maps. Is that assumption correct? :P I like your use of objects and especially the color...
Thank you so much for this, I've been trying to build a new map with a lot of curved symmetrical parts and can't get the angles correctly. Wish I...
You're talking about the hangar on that Hugeass map from Halo Custom Edition right? I've always loved that map. I can't remember if Extinction had...
Use the [IMG] tags rather than [URL]. It's beside the link button when you're posting, to the right. It's the button with the picture of the...
The object will still spawn at rest, so no luck sorry. Immovable objects are just meant to be immovable.
Protip: If you want attention, make your map threads attractive. If you don't capture people's attention with the first picture, it's very likely...
Screenshots in this section should be unedited. Just kidding, I know they're not. The first is my favorite. Great position, fantastic lighting...
I was about to edit my post saying that once you go to customs the object will start at rest :P
I was under the impression that setting "Normal" on immovable objects only made it like Halo 3 objects where they only couldn't phase or stay...